City of Eastland Commissioners normally meets the 3rd Monday at 6:00 PM
Eastland Historic Preservation Board normally meets the 3rd Wednesday at Noon
Do You Want to Serve!
Economic Development, Historic Preservation,
Planning & Zoning, Board of Adjustment
The City of Eastland is currently seeking persons interested in serving on city appointed boards that help make vital decisions for the city’s growth and future. As board vacancies arise, each Board will review their applications and submit a list of applicants to the City Commission for appointment. When multiple applications are received the remaining applications will go on file for future appointments. Each board has their own board member guidelines concerning who may serve. If you are interested in serving, please complete and return the application on the reverse side to Eastland City Hall.
Powers/Duties: Among other functions, to develop an economic development plan for the city, set forth goals to accomplish the plan to include but not limited to an economic strategy to bolster the business climate throughout the city; fully utilize the assets of the city to enhance economic development; identify strategies to coordinate public, private, academic resources to develop and enhance business opportunities for all citizens of Eastland. The board shall assure accountability of all tax monies expended.
Powers/Duties: Among other functions, to protect and enhance the landmarks and districts which represent distinctive elements of Eastland’s historic, architectural, and cultural heritage. Encourage stabilization, restoration, and improvements of historic properties and their values.
Powers/Duties: Among other functions, to make, amend, extend, or add to a Land Use Plan for the physical development of the City; recommend to City Commission approval or disapproval of proposed changes in the zoning districts and/or ordinances; Approve or disapprove the platting or subdividing of land within the corporate limits of the City and within adjacent areas as permitted by law.
Powers/Duties: Among other functions, to hear and decide appeals where alleged error of law in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made during enforcement of the Planning & Zoning Code; interpret the provisions of the code in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan.
For an application Click Here or, stop by Eastland City Hall at 113 E Commerce St. For more information, contact Shirley Stuart, Bill Dolen or Terry Simmons at 254-629-8321.
113 E. Commerce St
Hours 8:00AM - 5:00PM