Economic Development Sales Tax
In 1993, the citizens of Eastland adopted a one-half of one percent sales tax to promote new and expand existing industrial and manufacturing activities. The sales tax proceeds may be used to fund promotional and development activities related to business attraction/retention; financial assistance to businesses; land and building purchase, lease and upgrade; infrastructure upgrade and placement; and training and education.
Reinvestment Zones
The City of Eastland will consider a reinvestment zone for the purpose of tax abatements, tax increment financing and public improvement districts.
Property Tax Abatement
To promote and retain high quality development in all parts of the city, the City of Eastland and Eastland County will consider providing a property tax abatement on the appraised value of real property improvements and business personal property in accordance with the City's guidelines and criteria for granting a tax abatement.
Tax Increment Financing
The City will consider using Tax Increment Financing to finance needed public improvements in a defined area. The costs of public infrastructure improvements to the area is repaid by the contribution of future tax revenues by each taxing unit that levies taxes against the property.
Public Improvement District
The Public Improvement District Act allows a city to levy and collect special assessments on a property that is within the city or within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The public improvement district may be formed to accomplish improvements such as water, wastewater, drainage, streets and sidewalks, parking, parks and recreation.
Economic Development Grants/Loans
Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code provides legislative authority for municipalities to establish a program for making loans and grants to promote state and local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity in the City.
Other incentives that will be considered include:
- Free land
- Development Grants and Waver of all City fees
- Participation in all public infrastructure development activities relating to projects
- Reduced rates on water, sewer and solid waste if feasible
- Revenue Bonds - The City of Eastland and Eastland County's Industrial Development Corporation and will consider revenue bonds for the projects.
*By law the Eastland City Commissioners must consider incentives on a case-by-case basis and incentives cannot be guaranteed until the City Commission considers in a formal public meeting. All incentives will be tied to a development guarantee or "claw back" agreement between the developer and the City of Eastland. A cost/benefit analysis will be performed on each project
The State of Texas offers a number of other programs to assist industry, primarily through Texas Economic Development.
Smart Jobs Fund
Smart Jobs Fund
This fund assists employers by upgrading work-force skills in emerging technologies.
Employers design exactly the program they feel their employees need.
Texas Leverage Fund
Available only to cities that have passed the Economic Development sales tax (as has Eastland) to provide additional funding to local businesses for expansion and funding for related community projects.
Texas Capital Fund - Infrastructure Grant Program
Grants to improve public facilities in rural communities including roads, utilities, and rail spurs to facilitate the expansion of an industry. Grants range from $5,000 to $500,000 not exceeding 50% of the total project cost.
Texas Capital Fund - Real Estate Development Program
Another source of funds to help business or industry acquire or improve real estate. The focus of this fund is to provide assistance to enterprises that will provide jobs for primarily low- or moderate-income employees. Grants range from $50,000 to $500,000, not exceeding 50% of total project cost.
Texas Manufacturing Assistance Centers (TMAC)
MAC provides field engineers to work with small manufacturers to implement technologies and techniques that improve manufacturers' ability to more efficiently produce high-quality products. Services include on-site assessments, process evaluation, inventory management, product development, vendor referrals, technology integration.
Texas Enterprise Zone Program
The Texas Enterprise Zone Program is designed to encourage permanent job creation and retention, as well as capital investment in economically distressed areas of Texas. The program has proven a viable economic development strategy for communities by providing state and local incentives and the local incentives to new or expanding businesses.
Businesses located in enterprise zones may be eligible for local and/or state benefits. State incentives include a refund of state sales and use taxes, franchise tax reductions, and state administered program priority. Additional state benefits are available to qualified businesses designated as enterprise projects, which are nominated by communities or counties on a competitive basis.
Texas Capital Access Program
The Texas Capital Access Fund Program was established by the 75th Legislature in September of 1997. The program is designed to increase the availability of financing for businesses and non-profit organizations that face barriers in accessing capital. It encourages financial institutions to finance businesses that do not meet the requirements of conventional loans, lack sufficient collateral to qualify for conventional financing, or do not meet other business requirements. Eligible borrowers can be any small businesses with under 100 employees, a medium-size business with employment of over 100 but fewer than 500, or a non-profit corporation. The proceeds may be used for working capital of the purchase, construction, or lease of capital assets, which include land, buildings, and equipment.
For more information regarding State of Texas incentives contact:
Texas Economic Development & Tourism
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 12428
Austin, TX 78711-2428
Phone: (512) 463-2000
Opportunity Zone - The tax overhaul bill passed in late 2017 created the Investing in Opportunity Act which established the New Opportunity Zone program. This program consists of Opportunity Zones and Opportunity Funds. Eastland, Texas has been designated as an Opportunity Zone opening up new and exciting opportunities for the Eastland Community and potential investors.
Clean Air Attainment
Eastland, Texas is the right place for quality, clean air especially with companies that are increasingly aware of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs to improve air quality in non-attainment cities. The EPA has ambient air quality standards for six major air pollutants and Eastland achieves attainment in all six areas.
Basically, the West Texas area enjoys their clean air attainment status for a number of reasons, and companies looking to expand or relocate will also enjoy the benefit of that status. We are extremely proud of our attainment status and we are eager to welcome new business to our area.
The EPA's 1990 Clean Air Act provides economic incentives to businesses through credits for cleaning up pollution. Not only do we have clean air and limitless opportunities, but we are geographically positioned for growth with an industrial property adjacent to Interstate 20 and major airport only minutes away.
If you're thinking about relocating or expanding, take a long look at Eastland!
Abundant Water Supply
The City of Eastland has an abundant water supply for years to come for manufacturing and processing operations, and has not "rationed" water as many West Texas communities have in recent years.
Available Labor
Not only does Eastland boast a available labor pool, but also something special for business... a proven and excellent "work ethic" which translates into employer satisfaction regarding skill levels and availability. The City of Eastland is committed to raising employment levels in the region, and has targeted "higher paying" job opportunities for it's citizens.
Available Property
The Eastland Economic Development Corporation and the Eastland Industrial Foundation controls over 300 acres of property in Eastland which is available for future industrial, commercial and retail development.